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All job postings and event listings are from Housing Action Illinois, our members, funders, and organizations to which we belong. Have an opportunity we should list?
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Stories & Spotlights

Access to Justice: North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic

Access to Justice: North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic

“People often think that housing problems don’t exist in the suburbs,” says Nareen Kim, Director of Housing Law Practice at North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic. “But the housing landscape has changed.” Suburban renters include families and individuals who are low-income,...

Speak Up for a Strong IL CRA

Speak Up for a Strong IL CRA

Make sure the Illinois Community Reinvestment Act means real financial inclusion.   The Illinois Community Reinvestment Act (IL CRA), passed in early 2021, gives us an opportunity to increase access to credit and capital in Illinois communities. The IL CRA will...