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Our bimonthly e-newsletter shares updates, learning and networking opportunities, resources, and job announcements.

All job postings and event listings are from Housing Action Illinois, our members, funders, and organizations to which we belong. Have an opportunity we should list?
Let us know.

Stories & Spotlights

Our Steadfast Commitment

Our Steadfast Commitment

Housing Action Illinois will always be steadfast in our mission to protect and expand affordable housing and end homelessness in Illinois. The results of the federal election are reshaping our political landscape, and we know that challenges and uncertainty lie...

Where Are They Now: Housing Action Corps Alumni

Where Are They Now: Housing Action Corps Alumni

After serving as the Financial Literacy Development VISTA at Spanish Coalition for Housing (SCH), Audrey Carberry was excited to accept a full-time staff position at their host site. They are looking forward to building on the relationships and communications skills...

South Suburban PADS Member Spotlight

South Suburban PADS Member Spotlight

South Suburban PADS is a nonprofit based in Chicago Heights with the mission of preventing and ending homelessness in the South Suburbs of Chicago. The organization offers emergency shelter, support services, and affordable housing for people experiencing...

Communications & Development VISTA

Communications & Development VISTA

We’re looking for someone passionate about housing justice to build understanding of our issues, create materials for our expanding programs, grow our events, and diversify our revenue. About Housing Action Illinois Housing Action Illinois is a statewide coalition...

Housing Action Illinois
67 E. Madison Street, Suite 1603
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 939-6074 •