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Stories & Spotlights
AmeriCorps Spotlight: Tracking Inequalities for Housing Advocacy
After earning her bachelor’s degree in Political Science from University of Illinois, Krista Weller wanted to continue the work she had started as an intern for Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL). INCIL is a statewide non-profit that uses a...
Spotlight: Virtual Housing Counseling and Accessibility during COVID-19
When Wanda met Michael, he was staying at the Pacific Garden Mission shelter. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic meant he was doing an apartment search virtually, which was a challenge compounded by his disability. He wasn’t sure if he could trust that photos would line up...
Tell Your Legislators to Act During Veto Session
During the Illinois veto session, our legislators will have the chance to pass protections for renters on the brink of losing their homes. The pandemic has only exacerbated our longstanding eviction crisis, as COVID-19 has caused unprecedented economic instability for...
Despite Fair Tax Outcome, Our Work for Economic Equity Continues
Housing Action Illinois is proud that more than two million Illinoisans voted Yes on the Fair Tax this election. Unfortunately, this was not enough to pass the reform, which would have made our tax system fairer and helped address our state’s structural deficit. The...
Urge Your Commissioner to Protect All Renters in Cook County
We need your help to pass protections for 245,000+ renter households in Cook County living in communities without a comprehensive landlord-tenant ordinance. For thirty years, renters living in Chicago, Evanston, and Mount Prospect have benefited from municipal...
Housing Action Illinois Supports a Fair Tax
Lift the burden from the middle class.Make the millionaires pay their share. Low-income households now pay almost double what the wealthiest pay in taxes as a share of their income! That’s wrong—and it doesn’t raise enough revenue, pushing up property taxes and...
PADS Lake County Extends Shelter Season to Meet Demand
Learn more about how Illinois homeless service providers are adapting and serving during COVID-19 »Thanks to funding from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Housing Action Illinois subgranted $10,000 to PADS Lake County. These funds supported the agency’s work...
South Suburban PADS Provides Safe Place to Shelter During COVID-19
Learn more about how Illinois homeless service providers are adapting and serving during COVID-19 »Thanks to funding from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Housing Action Illinois subgranted $10,000 to South Suburban PADS. These funds supported the agency’s...
BEDS Plus Care Opens Second Shelter Facility to Meet Pandemic Needs
Learn more about how Illinois homeless service providers are adapting and serving during COVID-19 »Thanks to funding from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Housing Action Illinois subgranted $10,000 to BEDS Plus Care. These funds supported the agency’s work...
Housing Forward Looks to Replace Temporary Solutions with Permanent Housing
Learn more about how Illinois homeless service providers are adapting and serving during COVID-19 »Thanks to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Housing Action Illinois subgranted $10,000 to Housing Forward. These funds support the agency’s work providing...