The New Chicago Bungalow:
A Flexible, Affordable and Sustainable Archetype for 21st Century Chicago
Tuesday, May 5
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wells Fargo Learning & Event Center
10 S. Wacker Drive, 14th Floor, Chicago
A community development panel discussion sponsored by Housing Action Illinois
The bungalow served as the starting point for generations of Chicagoans, providing efficient, affordable, and flexible housing in neighborhoods across the city. Bungalows were the first homes built for the emerging middle class in the city. Even a former Mayor made a bungalow his home. Bungalows are treasured in Chicago, with eleven bungalow neighborhoods designated as historic districts.
Can a new bungalow archetype provide the same successful starting point for 21st Century Chicago? And if so, how do we finance the units and where do we build them? Join Catherine Baker of Landon Bone Baker Architects, Charisse Conanan Johnson of the Chicago Infrastructure Trust, Andrew Geer of Enterprise Community Partners and Bryan Esenberg from the City of Chicago to discuss ways to design and finance new bungalows that can meet the needs of modern families and stabilize Chicago neighborhoods. Moderating the panel discussion is Mary Ellen Guest, Executive Director of the Historic Chicago Bungalow Association.
This Forum is for community development professionals, developers, students and anyone interested in housing and neighborhoods.
The New Chicago Bungalow: A Flexible, Affordable and Sustainable Archetype for 21st Century Chicago is the first of planned series of community and economic development forums created by Housing Action Illinois. The forums will explore issues of importance to our region, bringing thought leaders and practitioners together to pursue ideas which can be put into action.
The event is supported by Wells Fargo Bank.
Thanks to all the presenters and attendees. Here are links to presentations from the forum: