Housing Action Corps

Host Sites

Make a bigger difference in your organization and community.

From launching new programs to growing volunteers and donors, Housing Action Corps members focus on projects that help their host sites enhance their services, resources, and partnerships to meet community needs in new ways.

Host a Housing Action Corps Member

Housing Action Corps places full-time AmeriCorps VISTA members with community organizations across Illinois and housing counseling agencies nationwide. Our network works hand-in-hand with organizations and AmeriCorps members throughout the year—from the first day of service to the last. 

Host sites design and supervise projects for AmeriCorps members to create or expand their programs, services, and resources. Organizations must be coalition members of Housing Action; pay a participation fee; and provide work space, training, and equipment for their Housing Action Corps members. 

In exchange for their service, AmeriCorps members receive a biweekly stipend, health care and child care benefits, an education award or cash stipend, professional development, and non-competitive eligibility status for federal jobs.

Learn more about serving in the Housing Action Corps »

Host Site Application Process

Housing Action Corps typically accepts applications for host sites from December to February each year. We begin recruiting for AmeriCorps members in April. Full-year AmeriCorps members usually serve with their host organizations from August to August. 

Host sites must be members of the Housing Action Illinois coalition and pay a project participation fee after the position is recruited. For more information, please see the Host Site Application Resources Packet.

Applications to host 2024-2025 AmeriCorps members are now closed. We will reopen applications to host 2025-2026 AmeriCorps members in winter 2024. 

Application Steps & Timeline

Host Site applications are accepted on a rolling basis, starting in the winter. Housing Action Corps members serve for 12 months and typically start in August. 

  • December – Host Site Applications Open
  • February – Host Site Applications Close
  • March – Application Review Period & Submission to AmeriCorps
  • April – Member Recruitment Starts
  • May-July – Host Sites Interview Candidates
  • August – Service Begins

Earlier start dates in June or July may be allowed in certain circumstances, but we strongly recommend starting in August.

What does an AmeriCorps project look like?

Housing Action Corps members primarily focus on projects related to housing and homelessness, but may also support projects that intersect with housing, such as education, hunger, health care, environment, and disaster services. 

AmeriCorps VISTA projects aim to build the capacity of organizations to meet community needs by enhancing systems, resources, and strategies, rather than providing direct services. For example, members may help their host site build relationships with new partners; improve data collection and management; design a new program; and/or increase available resources, such as volunteers, donors, and grants. Note: Due to their participation in a federal program, AmeriCorps members are subject to certain regulations, including limitations on religious and political activities.

Host Sites propose AmeriCorps projects with structured goals and activities to enhance their current services or pilot new ideas. Explore two project cycles below and contact americorps@housingactionil.org for additional examples and templates.

Expanding an Existing Program

We have a program that works for our community, but lack resources to grow its scale and reach. An AmeriCorps member can improve access, awareness, and efficiency so we can serve more people.

Launching a New Program

We have an idea for a new program, but lack resources to develop and pilot it. An AmeriCorps member can research, prepare, evaluate, and launch this service for our community.

Timeline of Service Activities

Resources for Supervisors

Are you a current host site with Housing Action Corps? Contact americorps@housingactionil.org for the password to access our resource center.

Latest Updates

Want to hear from others who have hosted an AmeriCorps member? Check out testimonials from our AmeriCorps members’ supervisors »


Building the Next Generation of Change Agents

Building the Next Generation of Change Agents

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