On February 6, Housing Action Illinois held a webinar focusing on how housing advocates can best mobilize in response to policy and budget proposals that we are likely to see from the administration of President Donald Trump and/or members of Congress in 2017.

During the coming year, it’s very important that people take individual action and work together whenever possible to protect existing housing resources and find opportunities to advance good policies that create quality, affordable and fair housing.

Topics covered in the webinar included:

  • Federal Budget Outlook for HUD and USDA Housing Budgets
  • Key Policy Areas, Including Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Fair Lending and Tax Reform
  • How to Advocate with Members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation
  • Members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation on Key Committees
  • Opportunities for Advancement, including United for Homes Campaign to Reform the Mortgage Interest Deduction and Invest the Savings into Affordable Housing

Webinar Materials

Slides from the webinar presentation are available by clicking here.

The slides in handout format (3 slides per page) are available by clicking here.

A recording of the webinar is available by clicking here.