Thanks to the Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund, Housing Action Illinois subgranted $10,000 to the Decatur Macon County Opportunities Corporation. These funds support the agency’s work providing short-term rental and mortgage assistance, as well as utility assistance, to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or who are unstably housed.

To protect the families it serves during the pandemic, Decatur Macon County Opportunities Corporation is providing shelter to families in a local motel and is offering meals during their stay. In addition, the organization is providing utility assistance to help families maintain services. This, DMCOC says, will prevent their clients from facing large bills once the state’s stay-at-home order is lifted.
Decatur Macon County Opportunities Corporation logo
According to Energy Services Director Karla Jordan, DMCOC’s goal is to foster self-sufficiency and pride — something the organization says helps individuals share in the local community’s social and economic prosperity.
Housing Action Illinois is subgranting $10,000 to the Decatur Macon County Opportunities Corporation, thanks to the Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund. In May and June, DMCOC provided utility assistance to 74 households, who received $150 each. In addition, three households received short-term rental or mortgage assistance.
DMCOC has set aside a phone line specifically for those seeking relief during the pandemic. This allows individuals to complete an application over the phone, cutting down on face-to-face contact.
The Decatur Macon Opportunities Corporation was founded in 1964 to combat poverty in the City of Decatur and Macon County. Today the organization continues to provide community-based services to low-income residents and senior citizens living in Decatur and Macon counties. This includes jobs skills training, transportation assistance, utility assistance, and rental assistance, among other initiatives.