Each year, The Chicago Community Trust invites partners to join them in hosting On The Table, an annual forum designed to elevate civic conversation, foster new relationships and inspire collaborative action across the region. In 2017, organizations across Chicago hosted conversations about how we can make our communities better. AmeriCorps VISTA Antje Lang coordinated the On The Table conversation held at her host site, the Lawyers‘ Committee for Better Housing, which brought together people interested in affordable housing and community development to map a vision for Chicago’s communities and outline the tools and policies needed to make it happen.
Landon Bone Baker Architects, a Chicago-based development firm focused on bringing responsible design to affordable housing and neighborhood planning, joined the conversation and blogged about the event afterwards. Both Jeff Bone and Cameron Acheson took part on the discussion, and Jeff Bone served on the panel. He presented on LBBA’s approach to strengthening communities through outreach, engagement, sustainability, and research, and focused on our work in South Chicago to show a holistic approach to neighborhood revitalization.
The discussion and outcomes from the event were compiled into the attached whitepaper, Tools to Create Affordable Resilient and Sustainable Neighborhoods: Setting Priorities & Implementation Strategies. The paper focuses on actionable policies that affect affordability, offers strategies to strengthen communities at risk, and asks valuable questions for further conversation.
Click below to view, download, and share the whitepaper from the Landon Bone Baker Architects website.