Housing Action Illinois hosted this webinar on July 30, 2015.

A recording of this webinar is available at  https://youtu.be/W-h5gq9ZixA.

Slides for the webinar are available by clicking here.

The webinar was facilitated by Lore Baker, Statewide Housing Coordinator for Long Term Care Reform, State of Illinois.  Please contact her with any follow-up questions.  She can be reached at Lore.Baker@illinois.gov.


Calling all case managers, housing locators, transition coordinators and care coordinators! Please sign up for this Accessing State Affordable Housing Resources webinar!

The new Pre-Screening, Assessment, Intake and Referral (PAIR) online waiting list module kicked off on June 1st. This is the ONLY way to refer people that you are working with to Statewide Referral Network (SRN) affordable housing units. SRN units are available around the state to persons who have a disability OR are experiencing homelessness OR are at-risk of homelessness.

For years, in order to refer someone for SRN units you had to download a referral packet, fill out the forms, get it signed by the referral, fax it to the Lead Referral Agent and then the Lead Referral Agent had to do the same process and send it to the property manager. Well no more! On the webinar we’ll cover everything you need to know to access the PAIR online waiting list.