Budget Crisis Infographic Revised 7152015As of July 1, the state stopped funding vital services and we’re paying the price. Programs that provide shelter to people experiencing homelessness, counseling to households trying to avoid foreclosure and funds to assist in the creation of affordable housing units—these are just three of many programs that had their funding cut off.

The needs of our children, families, and communities are being ignored as politicians in Springfield ignore revenue solutions to Illinois’ budget crisis.

CALL your lawmakers at 1-844-311-CUTS (2887).

Tell them to STOP IGNORING REVENUE SOLUTIONS and pass a fully-funded year-long budget NOW.

Providers have already been forced to cut off families from vital services and eliminate essential jobs. Some have closed their doors.

Further delay is unacceptable because it means more cuts to vital services for children, families, and communities.

Once you have made your call, CLICK HERE to email the Governor and your lawmakers to tell them to CHOOSE REVENUE because Illinois families need a year-long, fully funded budget NOW.

Housing Action Illinois is a proud member of the Responsible Budget Coalition (RBC), a large and diverse coalition of approximately 200 organizations statewide committed to a state budget that chooses revenue over cuts to vital services for families and communities. Follow the RBC on Twitter (@RespBudgetIL) and like them on Facebook.