Housing Action Illinois’s VISTA program provides Illinois Housing agencies with AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers to help build capacity and eliminate poverty.

AmeriCorps VISTA is the nationwide, domestic version of the Peace Corps.  To qualify for AmeriCorps VISTA, you must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent resident.  VISTA members earn a living stipend at the local poverty level.

Please note this is a one-year volunteer position.  AmeriCorps VISTA offers the following benefits: living allowance $973-$1,026/month, choice of Education Award $5,775 or End of Service Stipend $1,500, and non-competitive eligibility for a federal government position upon successful completion of service, childcare assistance if eligible, relocation allowance, student-loan forbearance or deferment and professional development opportunities.  In addition, Chicago Area Host Sites will provide a monthly transit pass.


Click on the banners to find out more about each opportunity and a link to learn more or apply:

Access Living

The VISTA will help end poverty by expanding Access Living’s capacity to assist community members with disabilities by working on plans and curricula for Access Living’s grassroots housing organizing group, the Disability Rights Action Coalition for Housing (DRACH). The VISTA will build on the first year VISTA’s previous work by implementing and evaluating recruitment and community outreach plans for DRACH. The VISTA will create a committee of DRACH members to implement recruitment and community outreach plans. The VISTA will also create a “Know Your Rights” curriculum and build relationships with other organizations around Chicago doing “Know Your Rights” trainings.

Access Living is a change agent committed to ending poverty by fostering an inclusive society that enables Chicagoans with disabilities to live fully–engaged and self–directed lives. Nationally recognized as a leading force in the disability advocacy community, Access Living challenges stereotypes, protects civil rights and champions social reform. Their staff and volunteers combine knowledge and personal experience to deliver programs and services that equip people with disabilities to advocate for themselves. Access Living is at the forefront of the disability rights movement, removing barriers so people with disabilities can live the future they envision.

Alliance to End Homelessness

The Program Advocate VISTA will be responsible for leading several efforts to build the capacity of the organization. The VISTA will organize meeting logistics, research new funding opportunities, apply for grants, draft required follow-up reports, and attend fund development trainings. As part of the Zero: 2016 campaign committed to ending chronic homelessness by December 2016, the VISTA will collect and report housing placement numbers each month, make referrals from the vulnerable list to housing vacancies, assist in project management of vouchers from the Housing Authority of Cook County, engage new agency partners, and act as the point of contact for the Zero: 2016 committee.

The Alliance to End Homelessness strives to eradicate poverty by eliminating homelessness in suburban Cook County through the coordination and maximization of available resources to assist homeless individuals and families, as well as those at risk of becoming homeless. The Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County coordinates the Cook County Continuum of Care (IL-511), which encompasses homeless assistance efforts throughout all of Cook County except for the city of Chicago. The mission of the Alliance to End Homelessness is to strive for the elimination of homelessness in suburban Cook County through the coordination and maximization of available resources to assist homeless individuals and families. As the lead agency for suburban Cook County’s Continuum of Care, the Alliance brings together a range of services and housing options for homeless people. The Alliance convenes a variety of stakeholders to cooperatively set priorities, collect data, rank project applications, and measure outcomes. In coordinating the annual application to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for homeless assistance grants, the Alliance brings in approximately $9 million per year to support over fifty homeless programs in the region.

Champaign County Regional Planning Commission

The Housing Program Specialist VISTA will streamline a voucher request system for Shelter Plus Care program and intake for rent assistance programs. The primary goal of both programs is long-term housing stability and increased self-sufficiency for individuals served. The VISTA will collaborate with partner agencies to develop a system for prioritizing rent requests, initiating prompt renewals, and then assembling this information into a procedure manual for all program partners. The VISTA will also assist in the administration of funds for one-time rent assistance for homeless prevention and rapid rehousing after a period of homelessness by streamlining the intake and prioritization process for the most efficient use of funds. The VISTA will be provided training in the form of ongoing staff training in cultural competence as well as any Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -sponsored trainings regarding Shelter Plus Care.

The Champaign County Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is an intergovernmental membership organization that provides and administers a variety of planning, community & economic development, early childhood education, and community services for Champaign and surrounding counties. They provide effective and meaningful services to increase self-sufficiency and are committed to efficient services through regional leadership in interagency cooperation.

Claretian Associates

The VISTA will 1) research and assist with applications for private and public funding sources for housing and social programs. 2) Evaluate Claretian Associates’ existing programs and learn best housing practices in Chicago-area special needs housing. 3) Develop materials for tenant selection requirements and marketing outreach to potential tenants. 4) Create and circulate marketing materials for Claretian’s development projects.

The South Chicago community is facing a critical lack of affordable housing. Claretian Associates aims to use a comprehensive method of community development for the complete revitalization of the South Chicago community. Through key partnerships, we have implemented the Quality of Life Plan that includes improvements in employment, safety, health care, housing, development, arts and environmental awareness. Having a VISTA will make an important difference to the production of affordable rental housing in a community long underserved and lift people out of poverty.

DuPage Homeownership Center

The Volunteer Coordinator VISTA will create a volunteer recruitment plan and assist the Development Coordinator with developing and managing a Volunteer Training Program that will engage volunteers in DHOC activities and help volunteers understand DHOC’s mission. The VISTA will help develop a handbook for volunteers, an organizational program manual, a volunteer tracking system, and an evaluation process to obtain feedback from volunteers for program improvement. The VISTA will assist with utilizing a variety of resources for connection with potential volunteers, including DHOC’s web page and social media; helping to develop a speaker’s bureau; and networking with volunteer coordinators from other DuPage County nonprofits. The VISTA will also participate in community outreach at schools and community centers.

DuPage Homeownership Center is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that provides a full range of services to promote responsible sustainable homeownership, with an emphasis on serving first-time homebuyers, low- and moderate-income households and homeowners in crisis, to eradicate poverty by offering routes to stable homes.

HOPE Fair Housing Center

The Marketing & Outreach Coordinator VISTA will help eliminate poverty by promoting awareness to the communities, families, and individuals affected by housing discrimination throughout HOPE’s 31-county service area. The VISTA will implement marketing and outreach campaigns in low and mixed income communities so the residents have an equal opportunity to obtain safe, affordable housing. The VISTA will develop sustainable processes to market and implement HOPE’s organizational goals of creating healthy, diverse neighborhoods. Tasks will include the creation and implementation of effective outreach campaigns, including managing HOPE’s email and print newsletter and mailing lists and social media. The VISTA will also work with staff to grow interest in HOPE’s various volunteer and internship positions. The VISTA will also assist, as needed, in researching potential fundraising and grant opportunities.

HOPE Fair Housing works to create greater housing opportunities for all and ensure that everyone has the chance to live in the home of their choice free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, familial status, or any other characteristics protected under state or local laws. HOPE accomplishes this through education, outreach, enforcement, training, and advocacy.

Housing Action Illinois Vista Leader

The VISTA Leader will compile and update welcoming materials for new VISTAs. The VL will collect monthly data reports from VISTAs, evaluate the report template based on the quality of received data, and compile this data for federal Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) reports. The VL will maintain contact with VISTAs and VISTA supervisors at host sites with regular check-ins and in-person visits. The VL will also plan the Fall Retreat for the VISTAs to develop collaborative relationships and professional development. The VL will research professional development trainings and host webinars and create and share written manuals as needed. The VL will update social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The VL will also screen and select host sites for the next year’s VISTA cycle as well as screen and interview for the next year’s VISTA positions. VISTA Leader candidates must have completed one year of VISTA service by the prospective Leader service start date.

Communities thrive when families and individuals have a decent place to call home. Housing Action Illinois advocates for and supports our nonprofit member partners to expand opportunities for decent, affordable housing throughout Illinois to make our state a safer and stronger place. The Illinois Affordable Housing Support Project (IAHSP) VISTA program is a capacity building initiative of Housing Action in which Housing Action partners with 23 host site organizations to host a VISTA for a service year to complete sustainable projects. The VISTA Leader will help promote leadership, professional development and collaboration among the 23 VISTA members. They will also establish systems and tools to make the administration of the Illinois Affordable Housing Support Project more efficient and user-friendly in reporting, training and recruitment efforts. Overall, the VISTA Leader will help expand and improve Housing Action Illinois’ VISTA program while also helping make sure the VISTAs in the current program are meeting their personal and professional goals.

Housing Authority of Cook County

The HACC desires to eradicate poverty by treating the whole situation of the client rather than offering a roof only. The Resident Services Outreach and Program Development VISTA will develop service partnerships with local social service providers with a special focus on employment and job training for adults and educational enhancement/after school programming for youth. The VISTA will create an online resident support services resource guide with links to service providers for needs such as child care assistance, mental health care, and employment and job training; update the guide as necessary; and evaluate the usefulness of the guide with the HACC clients who use it. The VISTA will also prepare, organize, and conduct outreach and educational events for residents. The VISTA will create a support services intake process, resident participation tracking, and performance measurement system for those residents engaged in these programs.

HACC’s mission is to promote quality affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment, free from discrimination. The HACC provides housing through two main programs: low-income public housing (LIPH) and rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV). The HACC’s LIPH program consists of over 2,100 units of low-income housing serving families, the elderly and disabled. The HACC’s housing stock is varied and includes low-rise and high-rise buildings, townhomes, single-family homes and duplexes. The HACC’s HCV program is designed to expand housing opportunities in the private housing market to low-income families. Since its inception in the program has grown dramatically and has become the HACC’s largest assistance program, with over 13,000 households participating including families, the elderly and the disabled. Today, the HACC provides rental assistance to households in nearly every community in Cook County.

Mercy Housing Lakefront

The Financial Literacy Coordinator VISTA will identify resources near each MHL site to build partnerships in housing stability. The VISTA will have a prominent role in ensuring MHL residents are financially stable and aware enough to secure and maintain affordable housing by assisting with creating a toolkit for MHL residents to complete prior to and during the transition from supportive to affordable housing; assisting with curriculum development through surveying for MHL’s financial capability courses with sections devoted to affordable housing and strategies for renters or those interested in home ownership; and helping to coordinate quarterly financial fitness fairs to increase financial knowledge for both staff and residents. The VISTA will also help track residents’ progress on working towards financial goals.

Mercy Housing Lakefront helps eradicate poverty by creating stable, vibrant and healthy communities by developing, financing and operating affordable, program-enriched housing for families, seniors and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities.

Mid Central Community Action (MCCA)

The Green Housing and Revitalization VISTA will 1) work closely with the Director of Rehab &Revitalization to do research on best green housing/building practices and implement those practices into our rehabilitation homes. 2) Create a green education curriculum for our organization that can be use to educate clients, homeowners, and renters within our various programs. 3) Research/apply for funding opportunities for implementation of the Green Housing project.

Mid Central Community Action, Inc’s (MCCA) mission is to educate, equip and empower individuals and families toward financially secure, violence free lives. MCCA’s overall goal is to help individuals and families reach self-sufficiency. We work cooperatively to create and provide both safety nets and life improvement opportunities for people and families living in poverty in our County. MCCA was designated as a NeighborWorks Green Organization in 2013 in honor of our accomplishments to implement green practices within our office. Our organization would like to expand our green efforts to include them in our transitional housing unites and our target area single family home rehabilitation projects. In order to accomplish this outcome, we will need a VISTA to provide the tools and resources necessary to reduce energy bills, help families save money with their home budget, provide families with safer and cleaner environment for them to thrive and grow in the community.

Northwest Side Housing Center

The VISTA will work with Executive Director, Marketing Committee, and Fundraising Committee to expand and develop new partnerships for community outreach and awareness. VISTA will create new and/or strengthen existing media relationships, and finding new potential funding steams for Northwest Side Housing Center. They will also maintain and expand the organization’s marketing and communication efforts and research potential funders for priorities of the organization that are underfunded.

Northwest Side Housing Center’s (NWSHC) mission is to educate, engage and empower the community to improve housing for all. We accomplish this through housing counseling, financial education, community organizing, outreach, advocacy and supportive services. The immediate goal is to continue the push to decrease the rate of foreclosures and vacant properties by building staff capacity to address the needs of residents in the community to stop foreclosures, end financial instability, diminish the number of vacant of properties, and ultimately end homelessness and poverty. The Marketing and Outreach Coordinator VISTA will help direct community members away from scams and personal isolation by bringing awareness to the free resources available at Northwest Side Housing Center (NWSHC). The marketing, development, and outreach efforts of the VISTA will help community members deal with foreclosure and financial instability effectively and will allow NWSHC to be more effective and efficient as an organization to keep people from losing their homes and spiral into poverty.

Respond Now

The Housing and Outreach VISTA will work to further refine and develop current housing programs including Homelessness Prevention, Rapid Re-Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing. Also, VISTA will work to expand Respond Now’s housing counseling program to provide financial workshops, pre-purchase and post-purchase counseling, as well as help develop a second Permanent Supportive Housing program. All of these duties will help Respond Now’s programs become sustainable, and contribute to Respond Now’s poverty fighting work in Chicago’s South Suburbs.

Respond Now exists to provide immediate relief for residents of the Chicago south suburbs who are in need while maintaining their dignity and affording respect. We do this by: 1) Helping people through their temporary emergencies with financial assistance, 2) Providing food to families and individuals in need and 3) Providing sound referrals and counseling for other needed services. The VISTA will build the capacity of Respond Now to process & assist more clients as the needs of the community increases. The area served by Respond Now has been economically depressed for decades & the recent recession exacerbated the economic problems faced by residents. For instance, in the city where Respond Now is located 25.9% of residents are food insecure. Furthermore, the area has some of the highest foreclosure rates in Chicagoland. The VISTA will develop the agency’s housing programs, helping the agency expand its services from foreclosure prevention to providing greater variety of services designed to address poverty in the community.

Southside Suburban Housing Center

Outreach and Resource Development VISTA will be tasks with 1) Research best practices and develop internal tools and materials that can easily be used by staff to effectively and efficiently help clients. 2) Develop outreach contact database and plan for outreach initiatives within the community. 3) Research options for e-mail marketing and keep an active presence with social media for promotion of organizational events, activities, and services to the community. 4) Coordinate fundraising events and other outreach events using tools and materials developed.

South Suburban Housing Center (SSHC) is dedicated to the promotion of a unitary housing market that: eliminates discrimination based on race or other protected group status; and fosters stable, long-term diverse communities. To achieve this purpose, SSHC operates a host of Fair Housing Enforcement, Housing Counseling and Education and Outreach programs throughout the communities, in its primary south Chicago metropolitan service area, that seek our assistance. The VISTA will be part of a team that helps protect those who are vulnerable in the community and put them in a better position to obtain and/or keep their housing and prevent them from falling into poverty.

South Suburban PADS

Community Support Specialist VISTA will 1) Expand shelter and volunteer network. Increase volunteer database to provide coverage for all needs within the organization. The database and Outreach initiative will assist PADS towards establishing more overnight shelters and volunteers to their network. 2) Create volunteer orientation and training materials for all areas of volunteer service and conduct trainings for volunteers and staff. 3) Develop new community partnerships to increase organizational resources providing a lasting impact and increase community empowerment. Develop outreach materials for use when connecting with new community partners and establish lasting relationships with community groups.

Homelessness is an issue that affects households on a national, state, and local level. South Suburban Chicago’s resources and accessibility are limited in comparison to the city of Chicago. These challenges are unique to suburban areas. As a leading homelessness resource in the communities served, SSPADS can continue to move clients from homelessness to self-sufficiency, helping to improve the social and economic health of the community. The combinations of SSPADS’ shelter operations and supportive service programs are what helps empower individuals and families and help them obtain self-sufficiency and independent living. The VISTA’s year of service will increase SSPADS’ ability to effectively and efficiently carry out its mission by strengthening and bolstering the volunteer database and creating new community partnership and resources.

ZION Development

The Outreach Coordinator VISTA will collaborate with other organizations, recruit volunteers to carry out various projects, and build capacity in the community. Other duties include developing a part-time media internship program to increase ZION’s communications capacity, and designing tools and outreach materials to more effectively reach Zion’s audiences. The goal of the VISTA’s project is to increase engagement with ZION Development’s mission within the Midtown neighborhood, and to establish ZION as a thought leader in community development practice in the Rockford area.

ZION Development is an asset-based community development organization focused in the Midtown neighborhood of Rockford, IL. Midtown has been depressed by various hardships, but has the potential to be sustained and developed into a thriving neighborhood. Over the past 30 years, ZION has invested more than $27 million in housing and economic development projects in the area. Through these projects, ZION seeks to foster the “Six Elements” that mark a healthy neighborhood: 1) Health 2) Meaningful work 3) Faith & Moral Values 4) Housing 5) Education 6) Supportive Social Relationships. The Outreach Coordinator VISTA will be responsible for outreach both within the neighborhood, and to the larger Rockford community. Outreach within Midtown allows ZION to develop deeper listening relationships, and better tap into the assets of residents. Communication and marketing to Rockford helps to leverage resources, draw healthy investment to the neighborhood, and engage new partners in the conversation around more sustainable, asset-based approaches to poverty alleviation.