We are currently accepting applications from member organizations to host one or more AmeriCorps VISTA members through the Illinois Affordable Housing Support Project (IAHSP), a collaboration of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and Housing Action Illinois.

VISTA members give a year of full-time service to their country and in return receive health coverage, a monthly stipend, and an education award. VISTAs are placed for one year with host site organizations to work on projects identified by the host site that will build their capacity to fight poverty in their community. Host sites identify and design the projects to create, launch, update, expand programs such as volunteer recruitment and management, resource development, and community organizing.

The selection criteria for IAHSP are as follows based on the quality of the VISTA project and the following factors:

  • The project adheres to AmeriCorps VISTA program guidelines.
  • The sustainability and impact of the project.
  • The project will attract a strong pool of VISTA candidates.
  • Capacity of the organization to be a host site.
  • Geographic diversity: We desire to have a minimum of four host sites outside of the Chicago Metropolitan/Six-Collar County Region.

All current Housing Action member organizations are invited to apply. However, preference will be given to organizations that have been members for more than one year.

Preference will be given to current IAHSP host sites in good standing, defined as follows: current in membership dues to Housing Action, current in monthly VISTA project reports, and fulfilling the terms and responsibilities outlined in the IAHSP MOU.

For the 2015-2016 term, Housing Action anticipates having between 18 and 23 AmeriCorps VISTA members to allocate to member organizations. To be considered, host sites must be current members of Housing Action Illinois and remain current members throughout the VISTA’s term of service. Host sites are also responsible for paying the $3,750 host site fee to cover administrative costs, providing an appropriate workspace, and project supervision and guidance.

The deadline for submitting an application is 5:00 pm CST on January 15th, 2015. Successful applicants will be notified by February 2; executed agreements will be due February 20, 2015.

For More Information or to Request an Application

FAQs are available at by clicking here.

For questions or to request an application, please contact Kelcie Lewis or Vy Nguyen at 312-939-6074 ext. 107 or at vista@housingactionil.org.