Webinar Held on Tuesday, September 10 at 1:00 p.m.
Slides from the presentation are available by clicking here.
United for Homes is the campaign to fund the National Housing Trust Fund with revenue raised from modifications to the mortgage interest deduction.
Housing Action Illinois invited groups that we hope will endorse the campaign to participate in this introductory webinar and we will follow-up with those that want more information.
We all need a decent, affordable home. Yet today, in communities across America, millions are without this basic necessity. Nationally, for every 100 extremely low income renters, there are only 30 affordable and available rental homes. In Illinois, there are only 28 such units.
Now is the time to solve our most challenging housing problems. With the National Housing Trust Fund, we know we can. Once funded, the National Housing Trust Fund will expand, preserve, rehabilitate and maintain the supply of rental housing affordable to America’s poorest families. The National Housing Trust Fund was authorized by Congress in 2008 but remains unfunded.
The United for Homes campaign proposes to fund the National Housing Trust Fund through modifications to the current mortgage interest deduction. The changes are simple: reduce the size of a mortgage eligible for a tax break to $500,000, and convert the deduction to a 15% non-refundable tax credit.
These changes would produce a fairer tax policy, and would raise almost $200 billion in revenue over ten years that could be used to end homelessness and address our most important housing problems.
More than 1,200 groups nationwide, including more than 70 groups in Illinois, have endorsed the campaign. We hope that your organization will consider adding its name to the list of endorsers, so we can better appeal to members of the Illinois’ member of Congress to support this proposal.
Slides from the presentation are available by clicking here.